Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama at Bulls vs. Wizards game.

Obamas favorite team Chicago Bulls played the Washington Wizards in DC and he was there courtside the whole game. You gotta love him.
(B): Oh my boo :-)..He doesn't know either why this little kid looks like he does not wanna sit next to him. It will be ok kidd!
(N): I love Obama for this! I was told that he was sippin on a brew during the game also which you know I am always for! G'OBAMA! I LOVE MY PRESIDENT!
(K): Funny how every white person in this picture doesn't give a rat's *ss that he's sitting there and every black person is staring at him cheesing out of control....oh America!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

India Arie on the cover of Jet

(n): Sandra Rose put me up on game about this current cover of Jet Magazine. India Arie is one of my favorite artists!!! She puts poetry to music and does it in a way that makes the listener just feel good! I've been able to relate to many of her lyrics over the years and encourage everyone to add her to their music libraries if having not yet done so. She's the truth...
(B) Really??? JET?? i did know people still actually cared for that magazine. But yayyyy if India is trying to do a come a back, even if she can only make the cover of Jet. I heard she is a B&*%& :-/. I still love her music though.

Jay & Kloe....Rumors???

As of yesterday made reference to a rumor that JayZ and Kloe Kardashian partied it up at M2 in NYC. JayZ apparently left a tip amounting to $2k!!! Then Kloe went on camera with to clear up the rumors saying they were just hanging out in the same place at the same time....

(n): Someone needs to make a really big chair for the whole Kardashian family and sit them DOWN.

(B): I refuse to believe this crap. Kim K. ok shes a hotie... but this fat trick is OH HELLS NO, and i will slap Jay if he cheats on me i mean B.

Kloe & JayZ....Rumors....

As of yesterday made reference to a rumor that JayZ and Kloe Kardashian partied it up at M2 in NYC. JayZ apparently left a tip amounting to $2k!!! Then Kloe went on camera with to clear up the rumors saying they were just hanging out in the same place at the same time....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ye: "My Girlfriend's Got A Girlfriend..."

Pictures just leaked of Kanye's new chick Amber and her girlfriend this morning per Their sources are reporting that Amber just up and left her girlfriend of two years Tiffany aka Tre once Kanye started making it rain on her. And supposedly Tre is EXTRA butt-hurt since she was by Amber's side during her stripper days and didn't even get a break-up phone call. The plot just thickened...LMAO.
(K): This is hilarious! I knew this chick was no good, and every story that breaks is just gonna prove my theory more. Oh and I bet Tre is super regretting that T ♥ A tattoo right about now. Ye take a lesson from your own song cause "when she gets on she'll leave yo ass for a... nother girl!!!"
(n): Awe, this doesn't make Amber a bad person...just a sort of smart person. Tiffany/Tre has a nice, sharp line up. Unfortunately she's/he's gonna have a hard time competing with Ye's pocket book and with that other "accessory" he's got in his "pockets". She's a pretty girl though, she could easily follow in Ambers' suit and throw on a skirt with heals...Missy Elliot might wife her??? Maybe??? .......'twas just a suggestion....
(B) Ye-"and I’ll do anything for a blonde dyke, and she’ll do anything for the limelight" This girl is getting on my nerves every time i see her. At least she finally got out of them damn spandex. Ye has seriously lost it though. He needs Alexis back in his life. :(

Now I know why the team calls him "Really" Gay...

Intended to be a sort of spin-off from the 2009 NBA All Star Games, various players were asked to speak about what they are good at in a clip on "Bragging Rights". For some Reason Rudy Gay claimed he had bragging rights for being one of the "Top 5 Best Looking Guys in the League". He went on to say that the only other guys that looked better than him were Bo Outlaw, Donald Foyle and Philmont Swift.

(L): Rudy can sooooo get it anytime. Along with his good looks, he is an incredible athelete that has a good sense of humor. He's definitely in my Top 5 along with A.I., Chris Paul, Al Horford just to name a few.

(n): I know this isn't saying much for my bball knowledge, but who is this cat? He's cute? L, all of those people should have been in his top 5...why does he even have a top 5 in this category??? Okay, okay...I'll stop wondering/caring/typing. Ciao!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Academy Awards: Fashion Edition

The fab celebs were deep in the Academy Awards this past Sunday, some of them looking better than others. Here is a roundup of one of the biggest fashion events of the year:

(Nominees Viola Davis and Taraji P. Henson )
(K): Where do I start.... Taraji looked AMAZING, dress, necklace, hair, on point. I'm not feeling the gold lame color of Viola's dress but she still looked beautiful.
(n): Taraji has really been hitting her marks on the red carpets lately...Viola on the other hand probably didn't get the memo that there are marks when it comes to such things...I think I saw that dress at my high school prom, though in that same respect it is pretty forgettable

(Beyonce in House of Dereon)
(K):BEYONCE, why? the fabric is a mess, too much gold embroidery, and that tight ponytail is NOT the truth.
(n): This dress has Dereon written all over it...I think there are 5 different hoodies, 2 purses and 16 shirts all made with this exact same fabric. WOMP!

(Alicia Keys in Armani)

(K):A. Keys almost looked great til you look above the neck at that awful wig and makeup.

(n): K, that's almost saying she looked great before she decided to get dressed...she is getting into great shape body-wise, but unfortunately her loud and uncharacteristically excessive makeup killed her intentions

(Halle Berry in... something hot)

(K): Halle looked gorgeous, but when doesn't she?
(n): Halle =

(John Legend with model girlfriend Christine)

(K): John Legend was rocking the hell out of that suit and his chick is glowing.

(n): The red carpet isn't much for the men anyways...his chick is hot, but she's supposed to's basically her job to be.

(Whoopi Goldberg in... a dress!?!?)

(K):Whoopi Goldberg...hmm. I can't even hate, she put on a dress and some lipstick and that's definitely a step in the right direction.

(n): Did Mufasa sign off on this? Isn't the Lion King Broadway show currently in Seattle??? Is someone missing a costume? It's too late for Whoopie to take any steps in any direction..she will always be Whoopie and I've accepted it.


At times, there will be slow days...days where in there just isn't much to talk about in the world of Famous People and Random Ridiculousness. But between the BLNK Girls, there is never a dull moment, therefore we will share parts of our never-ending discourse with all of our readers...

This first segment is a snippet from a conversation on a pretty consistent theme with us...our HUSTLE...we are determined to find a way to work for ourselves...and our brainstorming sessions sometimes go on sporadic tangents which in the end amount to no more than pretty good reading material. Here's the 1st for you on the under:

Brainstorming the BLNK Hustle (#1)

K: 230 huh? We could raise most of that with 1 car wash! Who's with me?!

N: Lmfao we sooooo should! Hahhaha or we could sell brownies outside the club! Or hotdogs, Or PB&J

K: We'll need heat for hotdogs, sounds tricky... Maybe the other two, Or beer out the trunk!!!!

B: Maybe we can sing outside the club with a like that one guy

N: Lmfao@k, Hahahahahaha@B


N: We can do all of this! And shine shoes! And serenade people with their names!!! LOL

K: And we can wear rasta wigs!!!!

B: He made hella money yo! Or maybe we can sell roses inside the club

N: Or carve names n2 pieces of wood and sell them on strings

B: Yes and stuff our shirts

K: LOL, Ethiopian boy style

B: Hahaha

N: Exactly!

K: Omg there are SO many ways to make money!!

N: Let's brainstorm

B: We need to get on it asap

N: There is a girl selling her virginity

B: Hahaha

N: She got an offer of like 3.5 million

K: I saw that!

B: That could b K's job… Lmaooo

N: Has2be

B: $$$$$$$

N: Lmfao I am fresh out of virginity

K: I was telling S that should be our hustle but she keeps saying she wants hers to be special or some shit

N: Take one for the team K, F special! Tell her that I am special… Let that be the reason

K: That's what I said

B: Ok now the actual hardest part finding them an acceptor

K: I'm down, we just gotta get him tested first...Shut the F up!

B: Hahahha…OK, OK

N: Lmfao, I'm sure if that white chick got 3.5 K can get double… We can market her as having an experienced mouthpiece

B: That's L’s job

N: "She's only a virgin from the waist down"….. That can be our slogan

B: Come on N! You’re getting them mixed up now….Hahahahaha…OK OK

N: L can be added in 4 extra…. Buy one get one 50% off

B: Hahahha

K: Haha, that was funny! Back to brainstorming!

N: LoL

B: Were rich bitch

N: Lmaooo

K: U guys are getting 2 excited bout this one

B: I'm really loling At work

N: I am rolling

N's Boy Dymez!!!

(n): Uh, yes yes yall and it don't stop...This lil dude from NY is fire. I am not sure why he's not been featured on any other form of mass media, but I found him on Youtube and I'm a serious fan. Those of you who think Hip-hop is on it's death bed can rest assured that youngsters like him still know what it means...check him out on the under:

(k): LMAO this kid is funny...EGGO!!!
"There goes some syrup in the fridge, man I really wanna eat some breakfast,

Charles Barkely to Do Jailtime...

For running a stop sign and driving under the influence (twice) Charles Barkley was finally sentenced and is actually about to go to the bing...even if only for 5 days. Here's what the Seattle P.I reported:

Scottsdale, AZ (Sports Network) - NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley was
reportedly sentenced to 10 days in jail on Monday after he pleaded guilty to one
misdemeanor charge stemming from his DUI arrest back on December
According to the Arizona Republic, the 45-year-old Barkley will have five
days of his jail sentence suspended if he completes an alcohol treatment program
At the time of his arrest, Barkley's blood-alcohol level was reported to be
.149, nearly twice the legal limit of .08 in Arizona.
After the controversy,
Barkley took a leave of absence from his job as a basketball analyst with cable
network TNT. He rejoined the "Inside the NBA" studio show earlier this month.

(n): Head has no why was he in a hurry one might wonder...This dude was in a hurry to get to the telly with some jump off he was planning on gagging. I guess he's getting to that age where he has to rush to live in the moment because the moments just aren't lasting as long as they used to...*smh* (By the way...why so greasy Sir. Charles???)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Idris Elba @ The 17th Annual Elton John Aids Foundation Oscar Party...

Also shown is RZA from Wu Tang...
(n):Sorry, this post is completely derived from my bias... Lawd_Have_Mercy@Idris_Elba . He makes me want to grow up...FAST.
(L): Oooowwwwie!!! Idris can so get it! Can't wait for his new movie to come out, and as much as I love Beyonce, she's gonna have problems if it looks like she likes being close to my boo in the movie....
(K): Y'all trippin, I dont really see the appeal of Idris Elba...on another note, is it just me or is RZA lookin kinda like Katt Williams these days?

Dru Hill is Back.....*crickets*

Dru Hill re-presented themselves last night in Atlanta at a red carpet event for the premier of their new reality show "Platinum House"...and uhm...yeah...that's about, yeah. Dru Hill is "back".

(n): Nokio was my hypothetical umbilical cord to this group...and now it's officially been severed... WTF@HIS_HAIR!?!
(L): yea man, i dont know what they're trying to do, but with these hairstyles they are looking at a different demographic of fans :/

Friday, February 20, 2009

Superhead SUPERTRACKS!!!

This woman's WEAVE stopped a bullet!!! Here's what the AP reports:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Other than having a bit of a headache, a Kansas City
woman is uninjured after a bullet fired at her ended up tangled in her hair
weave.Police said the 20-year-old woman was in a convenience store parking lot
late yesterday when a man flagged her down and told her that her ex-boyfriend
still loved her. She replied, "Well I don't love him," then heard gunshots.She
said she looked behind the vehicle and saw her ex-boyfriend firing a handgun at
her. She stomped her accelerator and fled, then turned into another parking lot
and called police. She told officers she recently had ended an eight-month
relationship with the suspect.Police arrested the ex-boyfriend and his friend in
a car.(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

(n): That's unlike any Yaki or Kanekalon I've ever heard of...this is mighty nifty.

(L): Man this is ridiculous, i think she just got a thick a$$, hard head!

Kanye's New Chick...aint half bad...

Amber Rose, is the 25 year old model originating from South Phillidelphia. Her Italian and Cape Verdian roots are a bit hard to decipher by eye, but her bangin' body and flashy style are very hard to miss. Amber is a known close friend of Rihanna and is also rumored to go "both ways", neither of these being detourants to the average man, we wish her and Kan-Yeezie the best!!!
(n): So, he traded pigment for the thickness, and I aint mad at him. Amber seems to be more his speed, with her eccentric look and voluptuous frame, she's the perfect arm candy to compliment Ye's swag...this 25 year old does it for me (PAUSE). She gets my props...
(K): I completely disagree. This chick is a publicity whore using Kanye for her own selfish motives. Ye's just goin through a weird phase right now and I don't think these two will last more than 3.5 weeks. Haven't you heard? You can't turn a ho into a housewife. He needs to get back with Alexis, she seemed like a nice girl.

Nate Robinson on David Letterman....

(n): Yesssssssss...I smile every time I see this dude!
The one and only University of Washington Alumnus via Oakland, CA and Seattle, WA Nate Robinson...the NBA's 2009 Slam Dunk Champ..and The Homie, was on Dave Letterman last night...I missed the show but was put up on game by a certain someone. This cat is dope...

Rihanna Beat to a Pulp!

TMZ just released the photo taken of Rihanna at the police station the morning of her and Chris Brown's altercation. It's also being reported that Chris Brown will most likely be charged with felony domestic violence charges and could face anywhere from 6 months to 4 years in the slammer! Damn.

(K): This changes EVERYTHING! Dude is making it real hard for the three of us out there tryna support him to stay on team CB. This sh*t is ridiculous and if Rih Rih stays with him after this, she's just as crazy as him. Oh and I retract my last statement, Chris is all yours ladies.
(n): OUCH! Dare I also retract my previous statement??? Okay, so it's not AS bad as the media made it out to be but I am definitely ignited by this visual. I can't help but agree with those who feel Chris needs to pay...hmm...can someone smack him around a bit so we can call it a truce or does he really need jail time?? I definitely don't think they should be back in each others' arms after this...she needs to walk run away from this relationship... I'm sure the rest of the world will make it really hard for her to confidently go back to him...if, in fact, that's what she wants to do...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Solange Faints?
According to reports, and her own damn Twitter postings, Solange Knowles passed out at the airport baggage claim after taking too much cold medicine...she apparently documented the whole ordeal in a series of Twitter updates...
From Solange's Twitter:
"think im certified loosing it on nyquil. going to sleep before i start
freestyling on the plane."

"omg i didnt know nyquil could do this to you.i took the pills tho.cant
stomach cough syrup.trying to be proactive on this flight."

"Never taking nyquil again. I feel so wierd."

"Woaah...... How'd I end up in the hosptal?"

"Woke up to 8 random people over me, laid out on the floor in baggage

"Guess I passed out! Scary. Hooked up to IV now . Apparantly I'm super

"My mom is here! I'm ready to go! I'm fine now. Just let me go home and
drink Gatorade!"

"I've never passed out before. Shit was like the movies. People standing
over me saying "hello". I've been embarrased enough today."

"I'm out! Yay!"

(n): .....AND CUT! Nice work you weirdo! Who seriously faints ON TWITTER!?!?! This girl was ON TWITTER before, during and after blacking out. Who does that??? Anyhow, though I liked a few of the songs on her album this didn't make me want to buy it anymore than I did yesterday. Nice try, I wonder if she's the one with the acting gene...hmmmm...


From all the he said/she said that's evolved from this story, the gist of the matter is that Chris is sorry, Rihanna is definitely heartbroken and a majority of the public seemingly Hates Chris...

(N): Am I the only one on the planet who wants these two to get back together? I am sure everyone who's had a serious relationship has gotten physical with his/her significant other...maybe even if it's as small as a shoving match...I'm sure these two are still madly in love and can work it out. I think the media coverage has escalated this whole ordeal way out of it's true spectrum...I am all for these two and wish them the best and I soooooooo hope they can work it out!
(K): Yeah you are the only person. After this whole thing I think it would be SO hypocritical if she got back together with him... especially when she's supposedly "cooperating with police" and such. On the other hand, I CAN'T STAND how radio stations are protesting his music and everyone keeps demonizing the poor guy. EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES and his personal life should have nothing to do with his career. Should we stop playing MJ's music the next time he's on trial for child molestation??? (the answer's No) But um yeah CB, holla if things dont work out with Rih Rih, you can rough me up...a little.