Wednesday, March 24, 2010


(n): Sooooooooooooooo....yeah....I'm takn notes...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weezy's Officially LOCKED UP

Yesterday marked the first day of Lil' Waynes 1 year vacation at Rikers Island Prison...interestingly, Lil' Wayne requested to serve his sentence with the general population instead protective custody.

Even though defense lawyer Stacey Richman initially claimed that city officials
were forcing the rapper into protective custody, it turns out he’s going into a
regular cellblock. Correction Department spokesman Stephen Morello said the
“Lollipop” singer will have “general population escort” status.
That means he’ll be escorted by a correction captain when outside of his housing unit just like gang members. Inside, he’s free to socialize under the watchful eye of
guards with the 17 men on his cellblock – or stay locked in his cell.
“It’s his choice,” Morello said.
He said the agency never got a request from Lil Wayne to be treated like any other inmate – and Richman conceded she never made one because she assumed it would be shot down.

(n): LMFAO Uhm, poor Weezy F Baby...I'm not sure his manning up and requesting general population was the smartest choice...aren't there rumors that even Tupac was raped in Jail? Weezie's lil petite self w/ his flowing dreadlocks might not be spared such shame...but then again maybe he will, maybe he's "suwoooped" enough that he's already part of one flamed association that would then render him protection, nevertheless I wish him the best; he is, undoubtedly, my favorite rapper in all his eccentric glory, his wordplay is unmatched...Maino predicts that Weezy will find Allah and join the Nation of Islam while he's locked up. I don't necessarily think he'll go that route, but I'm sure he'll come out with sooooooooooooo many bars and moreso hope he'll come out a better man...1 day down 364 to go ;-)

Get off Allen Iverson's Back!!!!

"The Allen Iverson(notes) saga keeps going from bad to worse. Denver was awkward. Detroit was a disaster. Memphis was worse. But that's all on-the-court stuff. Now things are falling apart in Iverson's personal life.
Iverson recently left Philadelphia in order to care for his sick daughter. That's not good. Even worse, his wife has filed for divorce. In an amazing exposé by the Philadelphia Inquirer's Stephen A. Smith and Bill Ordine, the reasons behind Iverson's fall from grace are examined.
Of course, there's talk of Iverson's legal problems, but then Smith and Ordine drop a bombshell.
One NBA source said yesterday that when Iverson was traded from the Denver Nuggets to the Detroit Pistons in 2008, "he practically lived in the casinos." Numerous sources said he was banned from two of the three casinos in Detroit.
"Drinking and the casinos: Allen was always doing one thing, or was at the other," an Eastern Conference executive said last night. "No one who knows him can deny it."
Furthermore, the writers say that Iverson "has been troubled by excessive drinking." It's just bad all around. Larry Brown, one of the few people who ever really "got" Iverson, sums up the effect that this will have on Iverson's legacy." -courtesy of Yahoo!
(L): I feel sooooo bad for AI! I hate how the media tries to kick someone when they are already down. Why not just let him live and make his mistakes without the scrutiny of the media. I love you AI, I got your back :)
(n): I used to think Iverson was the cutest thing walking when I was young and naive and in the dark about the tendencies of many professional athletes...I think the recent turn of events for him and his family is rather unfortunate, but I don't think he should be spared by any means. What they do in the dark will and should come out in the light. He shouldn't have been he is a walking example to the rest of'em. I do, however, hope he can reconcile things with his wife...I hope he's learned his lesson and I hope his baby girl gets well soon....